Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Best Movies of 2005

As opposed to my worst movies of 2005, my best movies of 2005 have been given a place of honour on the right of the page. Most of these movies were not made in 2005 but merely movies that I saw in the previous year. I guess I should explain my scoring system as well, just in case anyone cares, which I'm sure no one does. Firstly, only movies that I've seen for the first time can be considered for top movies of the year. This is so that personal favourites (such as Blue Velvet) that I've seen many times don't make the list every year. However, new versions of older movies, extended cuts or director cuts, are eligible.
All my movie reviews contain a score from 1 to 10. Anything from 1-5 means I didn't like it and the lower the number the more horrible it is. A 6-10 means I like it to a varying degree. A 6 means I slightly enjoyed it but don't want or need to ever see it again. A 6 movie might be worth watching on TV if you've got nothing better to do. 7 is a pretty common score, it means a movie might be worth renting. 8 and above are very good and recommended. I reserve 10's for truly stupendous movies and very few make the grade.


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