A crude Christmas
Book Review: Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice #2: Dark Rival - Jude Watson
The sequel to the story that began in Jedi Apprentice #1 The Rising Force. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon find themselves on a bleak and remote mining world. Obi-Wan still hopes to win over Qui-Gon and become his Padawan. But Qui-Gon must first deal with his previous Padawan, a rogue named Xanatos who is manipulating a plan to take over a rival mining company. Qui-Gon must choose between his past, Xanatos, and his future, Obi-Wan, while the fate of the entire planet hangs in the balance.
While very short, this is a good read. Jude Watson's storytelling style and dialogue holds true to the movies and feels very much like a real 'Star Wars' story.
TV Review: Seinfeld Season 1
We rented this on DVD here so Yukiko & I could enjoy it together. It's surprising just how good this show was even in it's debut season. The Pilot episode was very interesting as it didn't contain Elaine, Kramer was called Kessler, and Jerry's apartment was pretty different.
Movie Review:Bad Santa: Badder Santa Unrated Version (2003)
What a treat this film was. I was happily suprised when the opening credits rolled and the director was revealed to be Terry Zwigoff. I really liked his earlier, very quirky films about introverted but creative loners such as Crumb, and Ghost World. This film and it's main character are nothing like them however. Billy Bob Thornton plays the complete opposite of his character in Monster's Ball; here he is a loud, foul mouthed, Santa Claus costume wearing con man who like to drink, get in fights, and engage in anal sex with fat women. His life finally makes a change for the better when performs the good deed of beating some teen age bullies senseless. This is a very dark comedy that had me rolling with the gigglies. Certainly not a Christmas flic for the kiddies though. 9/10

While very short, this is a good read. Jude Watson's storytelling style and dialogue holds true to the movies and feels very much like a real 'Star Wars' story.
TV Review: Seinfeld Season 1

Movie Review:Bad Santa: Badder Santa Unrated Version (2003)

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