Attack of the Killer Zombies from Planet Earth
Some days you just want to watch zombie movies. This was one of those days.
Movie Review: Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Best zombie movie ever. Well, 28 Days Later was great too but technically those weren't zombies. Zombies that can run are seriously scary. A group of survivors hide out in a shopping mall while thousands of zombies congregate outside. And if it's got uber dramatist Sarah Polley in it you know it has to be good. 8/10
Movie Review: Land of the Dead (2005)
This was tough to watch after just seeing Dawn of the Dead. Now we're back to slow paced stiffs who I sort of felt sorry for. This pic has 1 zombie who's a little brighter than average and organizes the zombies into an army. Their target is a fully funtioning city that acts as an oasis against the undead. The other story unfolding is a weak morality play about the corruption inside the city that is masterminded by Dennis Hopper. John Leguizamo also stars in it but for some reason I can never take him seriously, he always seems to be trying too hard. 4/10
Movie Review: Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Funniest zombie movie ever. This one was great. A bunch of beer drinking, wisecracking, farting slackers in London are so tuned out of things that they don't notice everyone around them has turned into zombies. When they finally do get a clue, they come up with a plan to get to the best possible place to hide out. That place, of course, is the local pub. Definitely a top Indie hit. 8/10
Movie Review: Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Movie Review: Land of the Dead (2005)

Movie Review: Shaun of the Dead (2004)

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