Scary Bunnies
Book Review: 鉄腕アトム Atom Boy - 手塚治虫 Osamu Tezuka
Japanese manga about the adventures of Astro Boy. The main story has him and a group of other robots fighting the evil roboids. He also beat up some punks in Mexico. It's a kids' comic so I was a little surprised at the level of violence in it. Immediately after a deadly battle where several people are killed, Astro Boy is invited to Mexico City to play. That was a little strange for me.
Movie Review: Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of 'Mork & Mindy' (2005)
A made-for-TV movie about Robin Williams' career making role as Mork from Orc. It was pretty nostalgic seeming the classic series reenacted. The actor playing Robin Williams did a fantastic job and really pulled off Williams non-stop lunacy. The movie details how the show changed directions on the whims of the producers, Mork's beginning as a wacky guest character on Happy Days, and the tragic death of John Belushi. 7/10
Movie Review: The Brown Bunny (2003)
Before I got to the end of this film I was thinking about all the horrible things I could say about it. Such as:
it's a real road movie, half of the movie is shots of the road. The other half is shots of houses going by and static shots of his face while he's driving. Not that these weren't interesting (the music was cool too) but there was far too much of them.
Then I got to the 'infamous' oral sex scene. It was completely unerotic but what was shocking to me was what was coming out of his mouth. Yes I said HIS mouth. This meek, lonely man was suddenly throwing out horrible insults at his girlfriend. Why was he doing this. Then a major revelation occurs which completely changes the whole perspective of the film. It really blew me away. I'm sure a second viewing of the movie with this new information would completely change the experience. Unfortunately it would be pretty tedious to sit through all those driving scenes again. It was very daring for Gallo to make a movie like this where the audience really has to endure 80 mins of non-action before everything is turned on it's head. In many ways it's similar to Gus Van Sant's movie 'Gerry'.
I first heard about this movie when it premiered at the Cannes festival in 2003. Roger Ebert really panned it at the time and it was called the worst movie to ever be shown at the festival. Apparently Gallo later trimmed down about 26 mins in editing. Ebert really liked the shorter version and gave it a thumbs up. His review of the shorter version is quite interesting.
Certainly not a movie for those lacking in patience, but a great payoff for those who can get through it. 7.5/10
Movie Review: Below (2002)
A very sub-par submarine horror. It's hard to believe that this movie was penned by Darren Arnofsky of Pi and Requiem of a Dream fame. The cast does a good job but the story is just full of plot holes that point to a weak script. For example, why would a woman who was believed to have aided a German saboteur and had been found sneaking inside the captain's quarters, be allowed to roam about the ship in such a dangerous situation. Even stranger is why the captain of the ship feels the need to, completely without reason or prompting, explain to this possible traitor the details involving the death of the former captain. That whole speech came out of nowhere. I had to watch it again because I thought I must have missed something to explain why he would suddenly reveal this information to her. 5/10
The revelation that is the ghost of the murdered captain cursing the ship adds more questions than answers. This man was supposed to be a good captain who liked his crew and was liked in return. Why would the ghost murder the entire crew when only 3 of the officers were responsible for his death? And if the ghost was capable of manipulating physical object and using them to kill crewmembers, why didn't it just go after the 3 officers directly?

Movie Review: Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of 'Mork & Mindy' (2005)

Movie Review: The Brown Bunny (2003)

it's a real road movie, half of the movie is shots of the road. The other half is shots of houses going by and static shots of his face while he's driving. Not that these weren't interesting (the music was cool too) but there was far too much of them.
Then I got to the 'infamous' oral sex scene. It was completely unerotic but what was shocking to me was what was coming out of his mouth. Yes I said HIS mouth. This meek, lonely man was suddenly throwing out horrible insults at his girlfriend. Why was he doing this. Then a major revelation occurs which completely changes the whole perspective of the film. It really blew me away. I'm sure a second viewing of the movie with this new information would completely change the experience. Unfortunately it would be pretty tedious to sit through all those driving scenes again. It was very daring for Gallo to make a movie like this where the audience really has to endure 80 mins of non-action before everything is turned on it's head. In many ways it's similar to Gus Van Sant's movie 'Gerry'.
I first heard about this movie when it premiered at the Cannes festival in 2003. Roger Ebert really panned it at the time and it was called the worst movie to ever be shown at the festival. Apparently Gallo later trimmed down about 26 mins in editing. Ebert really liked the shorter version and gave it a thumbs up. His review of the shorter version is quite interesting.
Certainly not a movie for those lacking in patience, but a great payoff for those who can get through it. 7.5/10
Movie Review: Below (2002)

The revelation that is the ghost of the murdered captain cursing the ship adds more questions than answers. This man was supposed to be a good captain who liked his crew and was liked in return. Why would the ghost murder the entire crew when only 3 of the officers were responsible for his death? And if the ghost was capable of manipulating physical object and using them to kill crewmembers, why didn't it just go after the 3 officers directly?
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