Matt Kauffman movie madness
Book Review: Star Wars: Legacy of the Jedi - Judith Wilson
A common character links these stories of Jedi masters and their padawan learners. Yoda & Dooku, Dooku & Qui-Gon, Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan and Anakin. It's interesting to see Dooku as a young man and his relationship to Qui-Gon when they are both relatively young. It leads nicely into the Clone Wars and while being good overall, it isn't an exceptional read.
TV Review: 24: Season 4 I watched this again with Yukiko on DVD. Perhaps the best season of 24 yet. Most, but not all, of the annoying characters from seasons past have been dropped. Other seasons had a definitive halfway point where a completely different plot takes over but here there is one consisten story running through all the episodes. Of course there are plenty of inconsistancies and 'convenient' happenings but that is to be expected. Once again, Jack Bauer is the master of all things and must personally take responsibility for just about everything that occurs. I was kind of hoping they'd find a way to replace Kiefer Sutherland by now, or at least lessen his importance to the show, but that doesn't seem likely now. I hear rumours of a 24 movie project too. Maybe they can find someone besides Middle Eastern terrorists to use next time around.
Movie Review: Jawbreaker (1999)
My friend Matt lent this video. To me it tries really hard to be the next Heathers but it falls seriously short. 3 cool girls accidentally kill one of their friends in the middle of a birthday prank. They try to cover it up and shenanigans ensue. Pam Grier has a small, pointless part that really adds nothing to the plot. In fact it diminishes from it a little. She arrests someone even though there is direct evidence implicating someone else. She also doesn't bother asking several obvious questions to the last person to have seen the victim. The kids are all good looking and drive nice cars so it is really nothing more than an edgier version of Beverly Hills 90210. 5/10
Movie Review: My Best Friend's Birthday (1987)
The short feature at this month's movie club with Matt Kauffman. This is Tarantino's first ever film, a short film he made while working at a video rental shop in California. It's in B&W and several of the characters and situations were later reused in his screenplay 'True Romance'. Tarantino appears in the film and he is the best actor of the bunch. There is no ending to this as the final reel was apparently destroyed in a fire at some point. This little experiment isn't really noteworthy other foreshadowing Tarantino's brilliant future films.
Movie Review: Braindead (1992)
An early film by Peter Jackson. Wow, this is surely the bloodiest movie I have ever seen. Bloodier than any slasher flick, bloodier than the entire Evil Dead series combined. Not for the faint of heart. A bite from the dreaded 'rat monkey' starts off the mayhem as the victim dies and becomes a bloodthirsty zombie. More of an absurd comedy than a horror really, the final 1/3 of this movie is one big blood-soaked, lawnmower-pureed mess. 8/10

TV Review: 24: Season 4 I watched this again with Yukiko on DVD. Perhaps the best season of 24 yet. Most, but not all, of the annoying characters from seasons past have been dropped. Other seasons had a definitive halfway point where a completely different plot takes over but here there is one consisten story running through all the episodes. Of course there are plenty of inconsistancies and 'convenient' happenings but that is to be expected. Once again, Jack Bauer is the master of all things and must personally take responsibility for just about everything that occurs. I was kind of hoping they'd find a way to replace Kiefer Sutherland by now, or at least lessen his importance to the show, but that doesn't seem likely now. I hear rumours of a 24 movie project too. Maybe they can find someone besides Middle Eastern terrorists to use next time around.
Movie Review: Jawbreaker (1999)

Movie Review: My Best Friend's Birthday (1987)
The short feature at this month's movie club with Matt Kauffman. This is Tarantino's first ever film, a short film he made while working at a video rental shop in California. It's in B&W and several of the characters and situations were later reused in his screenplay 'True Romance'. Tarantino appears in the film and he is the best actor of the bunch. There is no ending to this as the final reel was apparently destroyed in a fire at some point. This little experiment isn't really noteworthy other foreshadowing Tarantino's brilliant future films.
Movie Review: Braindead (1992)

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