TV Review: Twin Peaks (Complete Series)

One of my all-time favourite TV shows and my introduction to David Lynch. Unfortunately it went on for too long and the middle of the second season is very weak. However, I'm still eagerly awaiting my Japanese Season 2 DVD set.
Movie Review: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)

Panned by most of the critics and a box office failure, but this is one of my favourite Lynch movies. To even try to understand the movie you have to have seen the entire TV series up to and including the 2 hour finale. I remember seeing this in the theatre in Vancouver with a collection of hard core Twin Peaks fans. Everyone was cheering as the credits were shown at the beginning of the film. This was my first time watching the movie in widescreen (on the DVD) since then and I've only had the old full screen VHS version for all these years. Unfortunately I didn't find the presentation all that much better, as I did with my first viewing of Blue Velvet in wide screen. The extra documentary on the DVD wasn't very interesting but the main movie is just a fantastic dreamscape of disjointed times and places. 10/10
Movie Review: Eraserhead Stories (2000)

A bonus documentary on the recent Eraserhead DVD from It's not an exciting presentation as it's mainly just Lynch talking into a microphone, but he weaves together fascinating stories from the early days of the AFI. 7/10
TV Review: Curb Your Enthusiasm (Season 2)

More humour along the lines of season 1 but here it gets pushed even further. It takes a brave man to make jokes about himself being mistaken for a pedaphile or a rape survivor.
Book Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (J.K. Rowling)

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