Movie Review: Superman (Extended Version) (1978)
I haven't seen this since I was a kid so I was happy to watch it again on TV. And with Japan's free HD broadcasts it was a real sight on the new TV. It was very interesting to see this film again from a more mature viewpoint. When I was a kid I didn't notice how risque Lex Luthor's secretary/girlfriend, Eve Teschmacher, was. A buxom beauty with a penchant for low cut shirts. It came as no surprise that she was wearing a white shirt when she decided to jump into the swimming pool to rescue the Man of Steel. There are also some funny lines that I'm sure I didn't pick up on my in my innocent youth, such as when Lois Lane asks Superman "How big are you . . . er, I mean . .. how TALL are you". Overall the movie is still fun to watch. The special effects seem very primitive but they still work. Hackman is great as a slightly comical Lex Luthor, and who can forget Brando's precious few minutes as Jor-El. Sure there are numerous holes in the story (baby Kal-El's rocket travels from another galaxy to Earth in an impossibly short time, how exactly does Superman go back in time?) but it is a good family movie. 7/10
Movie Review: X-Men (2000)
As a lead up to the 3rd X-Men movie's premiere in Japan they showed the first 2 on TV. The biggest weakness with this movie is that while it's supposed to be about the X-Men, it's main focus is on Wolverine. Cyclops is made to look like a fool and the other team members are barely present. Prof X and Magneto, as played by Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are predictably excellent. 6.5/10
Movie Review: X2 (2003)
Another movie in HD on TV, very cool. I've reviewed this before so I'll keep it short. A superior movie to the original, lots of great action scenes and we get to see many more of the X-men in action. Colossus and Ice Man are also introduced, hopefully they'll get bigger roles in the 3rd film. 8/10

Movie Review: X-Men (2000)

Movie Review: X2 (2003)

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