Daylight swing pirates
Movie Review: Daylight (1996)

If this movie hadn't have shown on TV, and if I hadn't have had anything better to do, I never would have watched it. A typical Stallone action movie I figured. And it was, although it wasn't all that bad. Stallone plays a former disgraced EMS commander who is drawn back into action when a catastrophic series of explosions caves in a major tunnel under the Hudson River in New York. Sly must team up with rag-tag band of survivors to escape before the tunnel floods. I've read that this is pretty much a remake of the Poseidon Adventure but, as I haven't seen that, can't vouch for it. This turns out to be better than I thought it would be. Sly's character is, thankfully, the silent type and his role depends more on his actions than his bad line readings. It was fun to see Viggo Mortensen in an admittedly brief pre-LOTR role. The somewhat silly final escape is balanced out by the spectacular explosions and fire that begin the whole escapade. 7/10
Movie Review: Swing Girls (2004)

Pretty much your basic sports genre movie wrapped in a tuba. A bunch of misfits gets together and through a series of montages become great at what they do. You know the drill. This movie followed on the heels of the very successful movie 'Water Boys'. I wouldn't hesitate to call this movie the female version of that. A bunch of girls inadvertently end up giving their school's entire brass band club a bad case of food poisoning. Figuring it will be a good excuse to get out of their other classes (apparently the band club doesn't have to attend regular classes) they all join the club. The only problem is that none of them can play any instruments. Except for the 2 punk girls who play electric guitars. Of course they're all terrible but they end up falling in love with playing instruments. The regular band members recover and suddenly the new girls are on their own again. Some of them decide to make their own band and play swing music, thus the Swing Girls are born. For reasons unknown to me the 2 punk girls join this band too. It's strange because a) it's not their style of music and b) why would they want to join a band when the others can't even play their instruments yet? The most impressive thing about this movie is that all the music in it is performed by the actresses. Many of them couldn't play any instruments before this film and had to learn. 6/10
Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
This is a very fun, action-filled movie. Even better than the first one. Johnny Depp is great as usual. This time his character Captain Jack Sparrow must confront Davy Jones and his crew of cursed, mutated sea thingies. There's also a Kraken which is far better than the one in 'Clash of the Titans'. Davy Jones and his crew are entirely CGI creations but they still perform better than Orlando Bloom, the weakest link in this story. The mythological world of the Pirates really shines in this movie and I'm looking forward to seeing the 3rd one. 8/10
Book Review: 100 Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marques

How long did it take me to finish this book? A year? I was 3/4 of the way through this book when I left it on a train one day. 6 months later I found an e-book version on the Internet and started again from about the halfway point. It's no wonder that García Márquez won the Nobel Prize for Literature, this book is fantastic. It tells the history of a fictional small town in Columbia from it's first settlers to it's final inhabitants. One influential family is present the entire time and this book follows them through several generations. It's both funny and poignant. It does get a little confusing though because the same names are continually used for each member of the family. For example, there are 5 Jose Arcadios and a staggering 20 Aurelianos. Still, this is a definite must read book.

If this movie hadn't have shown on TV, and if I hadn't have had anything better to do, I never would have watched it. A typical Stallone action movie I figured. And it was, although it wasn't all that bad. Stallone plays a former disgraced EMS commander who is drawn back into action when a catastrophic series of explosions caves in a major tunnel under the Hudson River in New York. Sly must team up with rag-tag band of survivors to escape before the tunnel floods. I've read that this is pretty much a remake of the Poseidon Adventure but, as I haven't seen that, can't vouch for it. This turns out to be better than I thought it would be. Sly's character is, thankfully, the silent type and his role depends more on his actions than his bad line readings. It was fun to see Viggo Mortensen in an admittedly brief pre-LOTR role. The somewhat silly final escape is balanced out by the spectacular explosions and fire that begin the whole escapade. 7/10
Movie Review: Swing Girls (2004)

Pretty much your basic sports genre movie wrapped in a tuba. A bunch of misfits gets together and through a series of montages become great at what they do. You know the drill. This movie followed on the heels of the very successful movie 'Water Boys'. I wouldn't hesitate to call this movie the female version of that. A bunch of girls inadvertently end up giving their school's entire brass band club a bad case of food poisoning. Figuring it will be a good excuse to get out of their other classes (apparently the band club doesn't have to attend regular classes) they all join the club. The only problem is that none of them can play any instruments. Except for the 2 punk girls who play electric guitars. Of course they're all terrible but they end up falling in love with playing instruments. The regular band members recover and suddenly the new girls are on their own again. Some of them decide to make their own band and play swing music, thus the Swing Girls are born. For reasons unknown to me the 2 punk girls join this band too. It's strange because a) it's not their style of music and b) why would they want to join a band when the others can't even play their instruments yet? The most impressive thing about this movie is that all the music in it is performed by the actresses. Many of them couldn't play any instruments before this film and had to learn. 6/10
Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)

Book Review: 100 Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marques

How long did it take me to finish this book? A year? I was 3/4 of the way through this book when I left it on a train one day. 6 months later I found an e-book version on the Internet and started again from about the halfway point. It's no wonder that García Márquez won the Nobel Prize for Literature, this book is fantastic. It tells the history of a fictional small town in Columbia from it's first settlers to it's final inhabitants. One influential family is present the entire time and this book follows them through several generations. It's both funny and poignant. It does get a little confusing though because the same names are continually used for each member of the family. For example, there are 5 Jose Arcadios and a staggering 20 Aurelianos. Still, this is a definite must read book.
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I'm waiting for your review on Swing Girls. Heh.
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