Not Without My [Son or] Daughter
Movie Review: The Forgotten (2004)
This Julianne Moore starts off well enough, a mother struggles to deal with the fact that everyone around her seems to have forgotten about her son that died a few years earlier when the plane he was in disappeared. They haven't just forgotten about her son mind you, they say she never had a son. Perhaps it's all just in her head. But then another parent with a child in the missing plane also remembers that he had a daughter. It all gets very X-Files when the FBI throws itself into the mix. Unfortunately a weaker than weak ending leaves this movie with an incredibly sour taste at the end. ********SPOILER******** Aliens?! C'mon. 5/10
Movie Review: Flightplan (2005)
Along the same theme, Flightplan has Jodie Foster searching every nook & cranny in a spectacularily huge jumbo jet to find her missing daughter. No one else saw her daughter, the crew say she never checked in, and Foster is taking medication because her husband just died. Is she making it all up too? Sean Bean (Boromir for LOTR) continues to impress as the captain of the aircraft. This, very Hitchcockian, thriller is well conceived and the setting of the jumbo jet is great; it's big enough to hide things but small enough to be claustrophobic. However, the end of this movie also shows a breakdown in logic. Foster's actions at the end are totally reckless and seem more like a quick resolution to the plot than a well thought out plan. 7/10

Movie Review: Flightplan (2005)

I liked The Forgotten. Aliens, Gods, or whatever interfering with us. I liked that sci-fi angle, about experiments.
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